Thursday, October 25, 2012

Boiled Peanuts

  You might think you don't like boiled peanuts.  But maybe you've never had boiled peanuts made with fresh dug Virginia type peanuts. When boiled peanuts are made with dry peanuts, they can take 24 hours or need to be pressured cooked and are often said to be slimy.  Fresh dug peanuts, like we have now, though, just need an hour in a pot of boiling salt water.  Then they are delicious. We've found them quite addictive.  Give this seasonal treat a try.

1 comment:

crowing under a full moon said...

I used to make boiled peanuts at Hillbilly Produce in Charlotte when I was in high school. Marshall Surface of Surface Banana company in Charleston, West Virginia owned the store and sold as much local produce as he could. I worked by myselfo n Sundays with an old sage from Lebanon who only spoke French, but he would say, "Ah, so what?" Loved your beeswax. Smells sooooo good.