Chinese cabbage makes a delicious crunchy mid-winter salad. Simply grate or chop finely the cabbage, carrots and yacons. To this add vinegar and salt. Optional salad additions are sesame seeds, dried fruit, nuts, ginger and turmeric.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Chinese cabbage slaw
Chinese cabbage makes a delicious crunchy mid-winter salad. Simply grate or chop finely the cabbage, carrots and yacons. To this add vinegar and salt. Optional salad additions are sesame seeds, dried fruit, nuts, ginger and turmeric.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Red-cedar Christmas trees
We are working at clearing an overgrown pasture and it has a lot of red-cedars growing in it that look to be a good size to use for Christmas trees this year. If you're not familiar with what red-cedars look like, here is a link with some pictures. Red-cedars smell very nice. We have decorated red-cedar Christmas trees multiple times and they are the traditional tree in our area for those who would go cut their own instead of buying a tree from the mountains. These trees were never sprayed. And they have been growing in the open which means they are their natural form, not pruned to be shaped like perfect cones (for better or worse, depending on what look you want.)
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Photos of the week
There was a lot of preserving happening here this week, especially of peppers. We love roasted peppers. Here are some roasted corno di toro, ready for freezing or canning. |
We butchered our old hens this week, canning the meat and broth. |
Black snake in the late turnip patch? No, just the soaker hose. We haven't gotten any rain since Hurricane Helene so we're keeping the sprinklers and soaker hoses going in the fall crops. |
Here is just one of the fun varieties of lettuce that grew from lettuce breeder Frank Morton's lettuce mix. |
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Photos of the week
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
We've enjoyed chestnuts ever since a friend with a tree let us gather some from his yard, and every year we enjoy them more and more. But we're still figuring out some of the details of how best to store and prepare chestnuts for roasting (and boiling, although we mostly prefer them roasted. We also eat a raw chestnut now and then, but we mostly roast them.) We did an experiment this evening with different methods of scoring chestnuts, and we also compared roasted chestnuts that had been in refrigeration for a few weeks to roasted chestnuts that were just collected.
We definitely preferred the cured chestnuts to the freshly harvested. Chestnuts sweeten with proper storage (in the refrigerator but protected from drying out too much), and they also shrink away from the shell just a little. The chestnuts that we've had curing for the longest have been in the fridge for about a month, and we didn't notice any signs of any of them going bad. (There's always a small percentage that have imperfections when we collect them, but no more had started to go bad.) We can't remember exactly, but we think we kept them in the fridge for 2-3 months the last time we had a good crop (2019?). That's probably close to the limit of how long they'll keep in the fridge. It seems the flavor continues to improve at least through about 3 weeks, although that may vary some with the temperature and humidity of your refrigerator. For longer term storage, we roast them just like we would to eat them and then freeze them.
In order to prevent the nuts from exploding in the oven when we roast them and in order to facilitate peeling the shell off afterwards, we score the shells. We tried a couple new-to-us scoring methods today that seemed to work better than using a knife like we used to do. One method was to make a hole in the shell with a small nail and a hammer. That seemed to be enough to keep the steam from exploding the chestnuts in the oven, and we were able to crack most of the chestnuts by hand after they were roasted, and the remainder cracked easily enough with a regular hand held nut cracker (like for walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.) We only tried that with chestnuts that had been in the fridge for a few weeks, though, and we're not sure if it would work with fresh chestnuts, but it was a very easy method and worked very well with the nuts we roasted today. The other method we tried was to use scissors. That also worked very well, and unlike the nail and hammer, it's a method we've seen other people recommend as well.Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Photos of the week
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Photos of the week
The sweet potato field |
The new growth leaves of one variety are purple |
Do you know what these are? Peanut flowers. Once they flower, they will push into the ground and start forming into a peanut. |
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Nick's peas
We call these Nick's since the seed came to us from Eric's great-uncle Nick. They are small but shell pretty easily.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Wheat harvest
We use an International 82 combine that we pull behind our tractor. |
The combine cuts the wheat and threshes it. The next step is to run it through our hand crank fanning mill to get the rest of the chaff out. We then store it in sealing buckets that we've frozen. |
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Bee swarm in the water box
Saturday, February 3, 2024
We grew such a big crop of turmeric this year that we didn't get it all dug before the coldest weather of winter. We simply covered it with a layer of hay. We're glad it came through winter fine, but it really is time to get it all dug. After it is dug, it can be stored in the fridge sealed up for a time. We've been storing what we harvested in the fall in moist sawdust in a cool outbuilding. It can also be frozen. And we've been dehydrating it lately by peeling and shredding then drying. We use it in stir-fries and make a ginger/turmeric tea. It is a pretty new crop to us, though, so we're still exploring how to enjoy it.