Someone asked how we were dealing with this wacky spring weather.
It seems like spring in North Carolina is wacky every year, which,
of course, means every spring is a different kind of wacky. Knowing
this, we try to be prepared, having blankets and fabric at the ready
for cold snaps, irrigation ready for dry spells, and lots of back-up
transplants and seed ready for replanting. The bigger preparation,
though, is probably mental and this we're still learning, to be
patient and hopeful. 20 degree March nights followed by a couple
weeks of continuous big rain storms isn't ideal, but things are
actually looking pretty good. This year is looking very promising
for some of the tree/vine crops that April freezes have really
limited or completely wiped out in recent years: pawpaws, hardy
kiwis, mulberries, sour cherries, chestnuts... The cattle are
enjoying the lush green pastures, and the milk bucket is so full and
heavy that we have to take a break to rest on the way back from the
barn to the house. All in all the weather this spring has been very
favorable for the bees. The wheat and oats are growing thick and
lush. It's a busy time of year as we push forward with getting the
last of the spring crops out while starting on the first of the
summer crops. We're hoping to get the first of the field corn
seeded this week. And as always, the weeds are growing well, too,
so we're tractor cultivating and putting our hoes to good use.